7 fitness myths that you need to STOP believing right now
There’s no doubt that once you embark on a journey to a fitter and healthier life the advice just starts rolling your direction from everywhere. It’s fantastic to have support if you’re attempting to overhaul your lifestyle, strength in numbers can be a very real sentiment.
However, in all of the tips and tricks handed out, there can sometimes be a few duds. We rounded up a list of some of the most common fitness myths that you can take with a pinch of salt.
If it doesn’t make you sore it’s not working.
“Learning how to balance high-intensity workouts with moderate and low-intensity workouts is a crucial skill for creating a balanced, sustainable program,” says Jonathan Angelili, founder of TrainDeep.
Ab workouts will get you that coveted 6-pack
Nope. Trainers and nutrition experts have been telling us for years that you can’t choose where you will eliminate body fat. If you’re aiming for a flatter and firmer midsection, you need to revaluate your diet and incorporate high intensity interval training.
Never eat before a workout
Obviously tucking into a four course meal right before a long distance run isn’t going to end well. But you do need something to help fuel you through your exercise. Experts often suggest something like wholegrain toast with nut butters, or a banana if you fancy.
Cardio is essential no matter what you’re end goal may be
In fact spending hours on the treadmill can be counterproductive. Short bursts of high intensity workouts have been found to be more effective when it comes to fat burning.
It’s healthy because it’s gluten free!
This trend can be misleading, just because something is free of gluten does not automatically mean it is healthier. In fact you could end up creating an intolerance to gluten that you never had to begin with, which is not going to help you get fit, explains fitness blogger and personal trainer Aj Odudu.
No more carbs
No more fun. “Low-carb diets are only effective (and safe) for couch potatoes. Once you throw strength training, cardio or any type of sport into the mix, carbs become essential. Without them your workouts will suffer,” says fitness expert Jason Ferruggia.
‘I just want to be toned, so I can’t lift weights.’
Andrew Read of breakingmuscle.com explains why this phrase needs to disappear: “What people really mean, in my experience, when they say ‘tone and shape’ is that they want to lose some body fat and make their muscles firmer.”