7 #nomakeup selfies that look a little suspicious to us… just saying
We hold our hands up – unless we're gym-bound or bed-bound, the vast majority of us here at SHEmazing! HQ would balk at the idea of going totally bare-faced.
And while we all shared a nomakeup selfie in aid of breast cancer research back in 2014, we generally don't tend to make a habit of it.
There are, however, some very brave women walking amongst who are more than happy to snap themselves looking bare-faced and beautiful at every available opportunity.
Not a jot of concealer, not a hint of lippie, not a trace of mascara… oh, wait.
Ladies? It looks like you have some explaining to do…
1. Oh, to have the genes that provide you with lashes that thick and lips that shade.
A gal can dream…
2. If you're going to wear lipstick, you don't get to rock a nomakeupselfie tag.
3. Are we totally and utterly sure those lashes are free of mascara?
We are not.
4. You have to ditch ALL the lipstick before you can hashtag nomakeup, right?
Back of the line!
5. We wish our lower lashes and waterline were naturally that dark.
Some girls have all the luck…
6. Wait, eye makeup counts as makeup, right?
It does, it definitely does!
7. Blusher, mascara, gloss…check!
Wait, what's the tag again?
And if we're wrong? More power to 'em!