Ouch! 7 sunburn remedies for the scorcher of a day that’s in it
It's been a gloriously hot few days, but sometimes your skin can take a turn for the worse after too much sun exposure.
Here are a few quick and easy remedies for sunburn that we'll be needing if this glorious weather continues.
7. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a key ingredient when it comes to saving searingly hot skin.
The plant is an herbal remedy that has been used for thousands of years in ancient and modern medicine for a variety of conditions, including sunburn.
You can snap a stalk off the plant itself and apply the gel, or seek out an after sun product with the ingredient.
6. Hydration station
If you get really burnt, you need to replenish your body with liquids.
Water is your best friend at this point,
5. Cool yoghurt
Applying cool (but not cold) yoghurt to red-hot skin causes a natural cooling sensation to bring some relief to your painful skin.
Rinse off with cool water and pat skin dry afterwards.
4. Cool teabags
Fell asleep in the sun and burnt your eyelids?
Try placing two cool, drained but moist teabags over them.
The tannic acid in black tea can reportedly help draw heat from sunburned skin, and aid in restoring the pH balance according to Medicine Net.
3. Witch Hazel
Remember the stuff you used to dab on teenage spots?
Well witch hazel is said to have long-lasting anti-inflammatory relief, according to Fredric Haberman, MD.
Apply little ad often for some sweet sweet relief.
2. Avoid soap
While you're in your cool shower seeking some relief for your burnt skin, resist the urge to reach for the soap to cleanse your skin.
The suds in the soap can cause further dryness in already scorched skin and lead to higher levels of irritation.
1. After sun, after sun, after sun
If all else fails, then slathering yourself with some hydrating after sun is the only way to go.
If you're not up for emptying the contents of your fridge in pursuit of a cure, then a handy bottle of after sun can be the only saviour.
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