7 things you’ll know if you’re the only friend NOT eating healthy

Being the only one in your group of friends who isn't on a health buzz can be… frustrating.

Days spent eating left over Chinese are long gone, and they're now replaced with spin classes and spinach smoothies.


Here are 7 things you'll know if you're the only one of your friends NOT eating healthy:

1. You get excited to go for brunch…

Until you find out your mates are all going to a salad bar. Yay?

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2. Friday nights in

They used to consist of pizza and multiple bags of Doritos, but are now filled with quinoa salads and beetroot chips… much to your disdain.

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3. Going out for draaaanks

These nights are filled with questions such as 'how many calories are in a G&T?' and 'will vodka make me bloat?'. You can't answer either.

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4. The guilt

You feel hella guilty when they're eating nuts for lunch and you're chomping down on a big dirty burger (no regrets).

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5. YET, the death stares

When you're eating said burger, all you notice is your friends begrudgingly looking at you, then the burger, then back to you. Just EAT it.

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6. Cooking

Cooking a meal for your friends has become a major hassle with all of their food requirements. Broccoli, anyone?

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7. Shame

When they slip up on their diet and order Domino's, you are ultimately blamed for it because you're the unhealthy influence. But, Domino's is life and you're glad they've moved over to the dark side.

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Can you finally have a snack buddy again?! No, because they've already gone back to the #fitfam world one day later….

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