7 Ways To Experience Montreal In Style For The First Time Visitor
Montreal, the largest city in Quebec, is one of Canada’s most popular tourist destinations. The diverse impact of a variety of cultural influences has made the city one of the most fascinating places to visit in the world. Cobblestoned roads and modern tarmacked urban cityscapes combine with French colonial, gothic revival and bohemian chic architecture to form an impressive and unforgettable place. Here are seven ways to experience Montreal in style.
Walk Up To Mont-Royal
Walk, drive or take the bus up to Mont-Royal, the best place to start your journey exploring this beautiful city. The Belvedere Observatory greets you at the top and offers eye-catching views of Montreal’s downtown cityscape framed by the mountains. Early-risers will be treated to the morning sunrise if you can get up to Mont-Royal early enough.
Eat Poutine
This classic Quebec dish is a must-eat in Montreal. It originates from the region making it a unique delicacy and, while it may not sound like gourmet food, the combination of fries, gravy and cheese curds is instantly addictive. You’ll be coming back for more.
Check Out St. Paul’s Street
Here’s where you discover old Montreal as you walk down St. Paul’s Street, its various buildings showcasing the potpourri of cultural influences, especially from Europe. Your visit here will be made all the more enjoyable with a stop-off at one of the many bars and restaurants to unwind and re-charge.
Experience Notre-Dame Basilica
“Montreal” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by szeke
Montreal’s Catholic history comes alive at the Notre-Dame Basilica, the Gothic Revival style church that was built in 1656. The stained glass windows feature more examples of Montreal’s heritage through intricate designs that surprise, intrigue and invigorate everyone from the first time visitor to the regular churchgoer. And don’t miss the gorgeous chapel at the back.
Play at Casino Montreal
Casino Montreal is far more than just a venue for spinning the roulette wheel. Not only does it boast the architectural marvel of three interconnected buildings, two of which were built for Expo 67, it has bars, restaurants, its own cabaret and live shows. If you’re bitten by the casino bug, try an online casino as they all have great offers for new customers such as Party Casino’s $500 welcome bonus and 120 free spins – collect the code from here to get started.
Discover Montreal’s Biodome
“Montreal Biosphère” (CC BY 2.0) by subarcticmike
A fascinating exploration of different ecosystems, the Biodome has painstakingly recreated four very different natural environments in a building that, in 1976, was used as the velodrome for cycling events at the Olympic Games. If you’re interested in animal life, there are some fascinating exhibits including some adorable penguins.
Birds-Eye View of the City
For around $20 you can scale the second tallest skyscraper in the city for an unforgettable view of Montreal. You’ll see the urban landscape framed by the Mont-Royal mountain and the hilly countryside of the South Shore with the River St. Lawrence snaking its way past landmarks such as the Olympic Stadium.