8 dead and 11 injured: World leaders condemn NYC terror attack

Yesterday evening, a man in a rented van drove down a cycle path in New York, killing eight people and injuring at least 11 others.

The incident, which has been described as the city's worst attack since 9/11, took place just a few streets away from the World Trade Centre memorial

Once the vehicle came to a stop, the man, a Uzbek immigrant named by authorities as Sayfullo Saipov, reportedly jumped out of the van holding two fake guns, shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

NYPD officers then shot the suspect in the stomach, and tranferred him to a nearby hospital where he remains in custody. 

It has since been confirmed that the man, who officers belive may have been living in New Jersey, was an Uber driver.

The transportation company say that he passed intital background checks and had been providing driving services for the past six months.

"We are horrified by this senseless act of violence," the company said in a statement.

"Our hearts are with the victims and their families. We have reached out to law enforcement to provide our assistance."

Speaking at a press conference last night, New York Mayor, Bill de Blasio described the event as “a horrible tragedy.”

“Let me be clear that based on the information we have at this moment – this was an act of terror.”

Political leaders across the globe have offered their condolences to all those affected by these horrific events.
