8 genius wallpaper types to spice up your house interior aesthetics


8 genius wallpaper types to spice up your house interior aesthetics


Wallpapers have become one of the most increasingly popular tools of wall decor and interior design. Compared to paint and tiling, wallpapers are cost-efficient, quick to install or remove, and way more durable. If you are someone who only imagines big extravagant mansions when you hear the word ‘wallpaper’, this blog is for you.

The modern wallpaper industry uses the most advanced technologies to manufacture wallpaper of the most diverse varieties that enable you to choose the wallpaper that meets your exact expectations and aesthetic requirements. Most wallpaper vendors even provide services to customize your wallpaper so that you can get the exact image you want on your wallpaper.

Based on installation methods, wallpapers can be categorized into three categories:

Accent wall wallpaper 

Accent wall wallpapers are a type of minimal wallpapering. It is done only on one wall of the room. Accent wall wallpapers are usually heavily illustrated or patterned for them to become the focal point of the decor. This wallpaper is used to add character to your space.

Full wall cover 

Wallpapers can be installed on all four walls of your space instead of painting the wall. This kind of wallpaper is advised to elevate the overall aesthetic value of your space.

Wall to ceiling wallpaper 

If you are feeling extra bold, wall-to-ceiling wallpaper can be your thing. You can either cover all the walls and the ceiling with the same wallpaper or cover the ceiling with different wallpaper. You can even get creative by combining different patterns and colors for it.

On the other hand, wallpapers also come with different patterns, illustrations, and colors. Here are some common types of wallpapers that you can use for your home decor in all three of these methods.

Geometric wallpaper 

Geometric wallpapers come with geometric patterns made with characteristic lines and shapes. Geometric patterns are one of the quirkiest wallpaper designs that can be used in bedroom decor, lounge decor, and even in reception halls, entrances and staircases. Geometric wallpaper sits in the background and complements the accessories in the room. The symmetry of geometric patterns can be pretty aesthetically pleasing.

Mural wallpaper 

Mural wallpapers are best done as accent wall wallpaper. Mural wallpapers mirror the aesthetical value of mural paintings but in a more cost-effective and time-effective way. Mural wallpapers can add a lot of character to a space and be the center of attention.

Neutral wallpaper 

If you don’t like home decor that is too bold or don’t like to have a focal point in the room, neutral wallpapers can be your thing. Neutral wallpapers can be installed on all four walls of your space and it still won’t make the room feel too small or congested because of the neutral color palette and subtle designs.

Contrasting wallpaper 

Contrasting wallpapers use contrasting combinations of patterns, designs, and colors to make decor solutions that have a balanced aesthetical value. These wallpapers are the most ideal for living rooms and hallways.

Illustrated wallpaper 

Illustrated wallpapers can be a very artsy way to elevate your home decor. The illustrations can be of anything from tropical leaves to birds, animals, even landscapes and cityscapes. Illustrated wallpapers can also have interesting story-telling elements that tell a specific story about a specific space.

Patterned wallpaper 

If you like symmetric repetitions and find them soothing, them getting yourself some patterned wallpapers for your home decor can be a very good idea. The patterns on the wallpaper can be big and abstract or small and detailed depending on what you want your space to look like. You can also match the wallpaper pattern with the patterns on certain furniture pieces to add some drama to the overall look of the house.

Deconstructed wallpaper 

Deconstructed wallpapers are a very modern aspect of wallpapers. These are strategically placed at certain places of the wall in pieces to enhance the look of the wall, for example, placed inside the shelf gaps.

The creative possibilities are massive with wallpapers as they come in every color possible and with all different kinds of images and patterns. This list might help you get started if you are looking for ideas to use wallpaper experimentally and elevate the spaces around you aesthetically.
