8 important love lessons we learnt from Ross and Rachel
Despite the fact that the last ever episode of Friends aired over ten years ago (we're SO old), Ross and Rachel remain one of those classic couples you think of when true love crops into question.
Why? Because they were realistic, things were far from perfect, they made mistakes but in the end, it all worked out the way we needed it to.
Here are 7 lessons Ross and Rachel taught us about love:
1. It’s always important to have fun together
2. A little jealousy is healthy…
3. But too much can lead to disaster
4. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do that counts
5. Things aren’t always black and white
6. You should always support your love's interests…no matter what they are
7. Just because you *really* want something to work out, doens’t mean it will
8. But at the end of the day, true love will always prevail
Aww! We love you as much as you love each other, Ross and Rachel!