The 8 reasons you should stop everything and start watching Suits
In case you haven't heard, there's been a certain redheaded Hollywood actress making her way around the capital for the last few days.
Fans of the series Suits were sure to be excited when they realised that their favourite sassy legal secretary and possibly-maybe-past-future (who knows at this point!) love interest of Harvey Specter had arrived.
She stopped for a quick chat with the Trinity Law Soc, and we're not even a little bit jealous. Not at all.
Sarah Rafferty, a.k.a Donna Paulson, is here for a visit and has been taking to Instagram to keep everyone in the loop as she enjoys some gallivanting about Dublin.
She stopped by TodayFM earlier today to chat with the Anton Savage Show about how she got the role (hint: real life Harvey Specter and Sarah are BFFs) and the origins of her Irish holiday- which has been in her plans since she was a baby and her Irish father couldn't stop talking about the place.
Suits covers just about everything: fraud, witty banter, love stories, betrayal, and some incredible wardrobes.
So, we decided to put together a list of why you should be watching, as if you weren't already a fangirl.
1. Donna Paulson:
To be honest, you almost forget that the series is supposed to be focused on two male characters because so often it is actually Donna's hilarious one-liners (and Sarah's flawless comic timing) that we remember most fondly.
2. The style:
Yes of course Harvey, Mike and Louis pull off a Tom Ford incredibly well, but you need to take some time and appreciate Jessica's incredible wardrobe. Stuffy office dressing is not acceptable at this law firm.
3. The comedy:
Generally described as a 'legal drama', Suits tends to make you laugh when you least expect it. Louis Litt and his love of felines is a prime example. Or anytime Louis and Donna share the screen…
4. Louis Litt:
You hate him, then suddenly love him but then you hate him all over again. He has his own catchphrase, enough said.
5. The guest appearances:
Hello Mrs. Stark! She's not the only GOT actor to show up either. Oh and any fans of The Wire also have something to look forward too.
6. The secret:
Everyone loves a good secret, and its both exciting and nerve wracking to see how Mike Ross’s identity may or may not unravel over the series of episodes. When will Rachel find out? When will Donna? Will Louis ever find out? Oh, and that other secret with the can opener…
7. Harvey Specter:
He's pretty ruthless, and makes some questionable choices- you can't help but enjoy his presence anyway.
8. The drama:
The writing for this show is spectacularly complex, with plot lines so deep that it's impossible not just binge an entire series. While hilarious, things generally tend to take a dark and twisty turn too.