8 things that happen every single Monday


Mondays are the worst.

Your sleep-ins are gone for another four days and you are really regretting that third tequila from Saturday night.

 Your mom was right, two-day hangovers ARE a thing.

Here are the things that seem to happen to us every single Monday!

1. As you stare at that grey porridge you instantly take back your Sunday post-binge promise to eat healthy this week. Croissant please!

2. Coffee. Coffee and then some more coffee please

3. You realise you forgot something important in your Friday euphoria to leave the office…

4. Your boss tells you he saw you Saturday night…and you get the fear all over again. Where?! When?! What was I doing?! Oh Gawwd

5. You get numerous glum Snapchats from equally sad friends who also hate Monday

6. You walk home in the rain and instantly take back your Sunday post-binge promise to go for a run every evening

7. You stick on the kettle, get into your fluffiest pyjamas and disappear into the couch, ahhh…

8. You vow to start eating healthily tomorrow and go for a run every night just like Gwyneth. Now, where are the chocolate biscuits?!

