8 things that happened in every Irish class up and down the country
Seachtain na Gaeilge is officially upon us, and it's making us nostalgic for our old Irish classes back in the day.
There are a few memorable things that happened in every Irish classroom, and here's our definitive list:
8. Learning off verbatim….
Without having an absolute notion of what you were saying.
Okay, you know you were telling the oral examiner that you had three brothers and lived in a big house in the country, but those words came tumbling out of your mouth like a well-versed Shakespearean poem.
7. Fheiceáil
Some eejit would always make the innocent Irish phrase for seeing into an excuse to drop an F-Bomb in class.
Not going to lie, we all giggled.
6. Cáca milis
Remember that bizarre film starring Brendan Gleeson as a guy who was obsessed with making sure his cake was pink?
And the actual tears at the oh-so dramatic ending.
5. Writing random Irish words on your pencil case
It was the best way to cheat on your Irish spelling test, and the teacher would never notice thanks to all the other stuff scrawled all over it.
Seriously, at what point was it sociably acceptable to write your signature all over other people's things?
4. Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit
By the end of the Junior Cert, you could recite off the intros to the state examination aural by heart.
It's a pity we couldn't recite much more after that.
3. Asking to go to the loo
Using the leithris was just an excuse to utilise the most memorised piece of Irish you maintained since primary school.
2. That future primary school teacher
There was always someone who spent the entire summer teaching the national teanga to the masses at the Gaeltacht and taking Irish a little too seriously in the hopes of getting into a primary teaching course.
The standards were high, folks.
1. Wondering how you have spend 8 years learning Irish…
…but are still learning how to say the rooms of the house and the numbers up to 100.