8 ways this rainy Irish summer is ruining our lives
It's almost August, but try telling that to Mother Nature, who has blessed our little island with nothing but rain and wind for the last two weeks.
With the heady days of Leaving Cert weather now a distant memory, all we can do is hope that things pick up next month.
In the meantime, we've been lamenting just a few of the ways this manky weather can take its toll on a poor girl's sanity…
1. You keep misjudging the weather for the day… with disastrous consequences
"Oh, seems dry out, I'll leave the skylight open a while." *returns home to pillows floating on bed*
2. Wet hair. Enough said.
Forgot your umbrella when it starts lashing? You might as well give up on life right now.
3. Your barbecue is rusting from underuse
You could always improvise, like this brave lad…
4. You're running out of thick black tights to wear with all your new summer dresses
Bare legs? HA.
5. The shops keep taunting you with their "Holiday Wear" sections
"I'm going to Westport for the weekend, not Ibiza."
6. You have irrational guilt about having the central heating on in July
The Irish Mammy in you is RAGING
7. Coming back from your holidays to the lashing rain = Ultimate Fear
Why Ryanair, why do you make us run across the tarmac from the plane?
8. Your Facebook envy of friends abroad has reached toxic levels