9 beauty items every Noughties teen had in their make-up bag
Once payday comes around, the Brown Thomas cosmetics counter becomes a place of irresistible temptation. Rewind ten years and it was the same story, except we were blowing our pocket money in Boots and the local pound shop.
After all, how could you have faced the local GAA disco without a thick layer of baby blue eyeshadow and green glitter gel eyeliner?
Here are just a few of the items no self-respecting Noughties teen was ever seen without…
1. Scented body glitter
Roll-on, of course. Mainly used on the cheeks, plus the collarbone if you wanted to feel *sexy*
2. Coloured hair mascara
The actual purpose of this still eludes us, but by God if we weren't going to collect every shade.
3. Two-tone purple eyeshadow palettes
They had the lilac AND the violet, y'see. Looking back, we probably looked like we had two black eyes, but at the time we felt FLY.
4. Perfumed body spray
You could always rely on Santa to give you a Charlie Red or So! gift set.
5. Sun-In
Back before we'd ever heard the words 'professional colourist.'
6. Tommy Girl perfume
For occasions that required something more sophisticated than body spray, Tommy Girl was our go-to scent.
7. A GIANT eyeshadow set
'Cos surely that was what real make-up artists used?
8. Juicy Tubes lipgloss
Sophie's Choice: go for an everyday baby pink or risk spending everything on the bright red one?
9. Urban Decay glitter gel eyeliner
To go with your lilac eyeshadow, obvz.