9 leftover turkey recipes for anyone who is sick of eating sandwiches
Plates are empty, the dishwasher is full, there's a Christmas film on the telly and your Dad is already nodding off in his armchair.
The hours and days after your Christmas dinner has finally digested are traditionally a time to feast of turkey sandwiches – and lots of them.
However, we'd all like to think that our culinary skills have progressed a bit over the past year, and what better way to put them to the test than by creating scrumptious dishes from the Christmas leftovers?
And to help, we've rounded up some of our favourite leftover turkey recipes that are both simple to make and oh-so tasty.
Creamy Turkey Pot Pie Mac and Cheese
Leftover Turkey Chilli Con Carne
Enchilada Bake With Leftover Turkey
Leftover Turkey Spicy Miso Ramen