As Edward Scissorhands turns 25, here are 8 facts you never knew
Edward Scissorhands is one of our favourite Christmas films and it is still so good that it could have been made yesterday.
It's so wondrously weird and well acted that we cannot believe it is actually 25 years old!.
So before we go ahead and stick it on in the build up to Christmas, we decided to celebrate its lasting brilliance by bringing to you a load of fun facts you might not have known about the epic film.
1. Tom Hanks with Scissorhands?
A number of Hollywood actors were considered for the part of Edward and Tom Hanks reportedly turned the role down. Director Tim Burton also considered Tom Cruise and Michael Jackson for the iconic part.
It eventually went to Johnny, a casting decision that according to Tim "just worked out."
We definitely agree.
2. A Backstreet Boys cameo?
Have you ever noticed which famous boy band member made a cameo in the film?
You have to look REALLY hard but Nick Carter – who would go on to perform in 90's pop group The Backstreet Boys – has an uncredited role in the film.
He can be seen enjoying a Slip-n-Slide as Edward drives past in a car.
3. The film is based on Tim Burton's life
Director Tim Burton has described the film as being inspired by his own awkward teenage years.
Growing up in suburban Los Angeles, Tim had problems making friends and socialising with his peer group.
4. Tim loved Winona Ryder as Kim
The director would later reveal that he loved Winona Ryder in the blonde, cheerleading role.
Winona, who had mostly played dark and moody characters, went completely against her typecast to play Kim.
"It was so funny. I used to laugh every day when I saw her walk on the set wearing this little cheerleader outfit and a Hayley Mills-type blonde wig. She looked like Bambi," said Tim.
5. The location is real
The suburban setting of the film is not a set but was actually filmed on location in the Tampa Bay area of Florida.
According to the set designer, all the houses were painted four primary colours which were described as sea-foam green, dirty flesh, butter and dirty blue.
6. Smaller windows please!
The windows of all the houses were altered to look much smaller than they were in real life. This was in order to increase the sense of paranoia in the community.
7. The inspiration behind THAT hair
Johnny Depp's hair for the role was in fact inspired by the rock band The Cure.
Edward's hair and costume was partially designed to pay homage to lead singer Robert Smith's notorious look. Apparently Tim is a major fan.
8. Becoming Edward took time
Johnny Depp had to spend one hour and forty-five minutes in hair and make up everyday to transform into Edward.