9 totally legit reasons to be mad at your other half
Ok so, sometimes we overreact and get upset that your boyfriend clearly took the last perfect pizza slice on purpose instead of offering it to us. But these reasons are completely fair reasons to be upset with your other half. Those jerks.
1. He Didn’t Text Her Back
Seriously, how hard is it?
2. He Didn’t Ring You While He Was Drunk
They say the truth comes out when you’re drunk so if you didn’t call that means you weren’t even thinking of us. Who DID you call then, huh?!
3. He Rang You While He Was Drunk
What a di**. How dare you ring her and wake her from her slumber, to tell her that even in your deepest, drunkest states, you’re thinking about her. Absolute di**head
4. He Has 12 New Female Friends On Facebook
What the…How does one even MEET 12 people in one day?!
5. He Has Been Tagged In Photos With Hot Women
Right now, we’re thinking: “it’s a good think he’s not that great looking, because these hoes look too hot to handle.” Remove the tags now.
6. He Chose A Lads Night Over A Date Night
A lad’s night out is all well and good but at least pretend to be torn for the love of God.
7. He Called Your Friend Hot
Well why don’t you just go run off with her then you absolute d***.
8. You’re Hormonal And He’s Happy
So. Insensitive.
9. He Forgot A Momentous Occasion
Our 2 year kiss anniversary? Are you SERIOUS?! Gah.
via our content partner CT