Faulty Towers Dining Experience brings comedy chaos to House Dublin this March


Attention all Fawlty Towers fans! The twelve episodes (yep – only twelve!) created some of the best TV moments with some of the best TV characters ever created. Who can forget Basil’s immortal line “Don’t mention the war! I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it”. Or Sybil realising Manuel’s pet mouse was in fact a rat!

If you remember all of these and more, then the Faulty Towers Dining Experience in House Dublin is the show for you! Join Basil, Sybil and Manuel for an evening of unforgettable chaos and comedy. The Faulty Towers Dining Experience comes to House Dublin from Tuesday 25th March to Sunday 30th March for five shows only.

For more information or to book online visit: www.housedublin.ie
