Thinking of getting engaged?


Picking out an engagement ring can be daunting – does it suit, is it practical, will you still like it in fifty years?

You have to be careful not to pick trends over classics because trends are always changing whereas your engagement ring will be the same for many, many years to come.

We picked out a few cuts we think will never go out of fashion. Every woman is different and your engagement ring should reflect who you are – do you see your perfect ring below?

1. Radiant
Wowsa, this looks like it would weigh us down! Of course it doesn’t have to be quite so elaborate but the idea of a radiant cut is that it emits maximum sparkle potential and is designed to stand out and demand attention, perfect!


2. Baguette
Simple and subtle, this baguette cut engagement ring is classic and understated.


3. Trillion
The trillion diamond is most often seen as a side stone rather than the main solitaire. Unique and beautiful!


4. Marquise
Historically designed by King Louis XIV, this cut is striking and has a hint of vintage about it.


5. Colour
Diamonds aren’t for everybody – some girls love something a little different. Sapphires are very popular as engagement rings, especially following Kate Middleton inheritance of Princess Diana’s beautiful sapphire engagement ring. Rubies, emeralds and champagne coloured sapphires are also popular.


6. Vintage/vintage inspired
As we already said, some women prefer something different. Vintage or vintage inspired engagement rings can be beautiful and have historical significance which many people would love.

