‘Love remained a constant in her life’: Cathriona White is laid to rest
The funeral service of Cathriona White, who died in Los Angeles late last month, has now taken place.
With hundreds of mourners in attendance, the 30-year-old makeup artist was laid to rest following a Mass at Our Lady Of Fatima Church in Cappawhite, Co Tipperary.
She has been buried beside her late father, Pat, who died of brain cancer in September 2012.
In attendance was the young woman’s grieving family, as well as heartbroken actor Jim Carrey – a man who had been in an on/off relationship with Cathriona since 2012.
Indeed, the Hollywood star, who has looked strained throughout the day, acted as pallbearer for the procession.
The 53-year-old had arrived in a blacked-out Mercedes people carrier and Mail Online reports that he travelled to Ireland this morning via a private jet.
In an official, heartfelt statement following her tragic death, Jim had called his love “my delicate Irish flower”. Mr Carrey also described himself as being "hit with a lightning bolt" by the news of her death.
She was found dead on September 28 in a house in the upmarket area of Sherman Oaks in California. Having been diagnosed with depression in the past, and it is believed that Ms White took an overdose of prescription pills.
Officials Stateside say they are treating her death as suicide.
Fr Tadhg Furlong, parish priest in the area, said Ms White's family and friends are faced with a life cut short, a vision not fulfilled, a dream not realised.
He continued: "In 1985 Cathriona was baptised with joy into this Christian community. We assemble now in a very different atmosphere to welcome her home.
"We gather in silent, sad, grief-stricken fáilte. At this time we welcome home one of our own."
"Cathriona's approach to life was to take on, to challenge the county, the country, the world," the priest furthemore told mourners.
"You remember the outgoing personality – the strong-willed, determined character."
And Fr Furlong then added: "Cathriona was a light to so many. Something of the light has gone out. Yet much remains.
"The light continues to shine. The light of love lives on; the love you had for Cathriona; the love she had for you."
A number of gifts were presented during the service including a sports jersey and a football to represent her love of Gaelic games, as well as family photos and make-up brushes.
Her step-sister, Sarah, gave an emotional eulogy, saying: “Cathriona had such an amazing capacity to love and to be loved.
"From growing up in Cappawhite, through to moving to Clonmel and finally settling in LA, love remained a constant in her life from beginning to end.”
However, she concluded: “Thankfully, love is not as fickle and unpredictable as life is.
“As long as you are loved, you are here. You are so loved.”
This evening, Mr Carrey posted a tribute to Cathriona on his Twitter account. Featuring a silhouette of the two of them, he also wrote 'love cannot be lost'.
Love cannot be lost. pic.twitter.com/XxPYOhkdzc
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) October 10, 2015
Police in Californian previously told TMZ that two concerned friends originally found Cathriona’s body, while another source added that Ms White’s suicide note was addressed to Mr Carrey.
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