A new life beckoning Down Under? An ‘all-in’ package is yours for €999
While upping sticks and moving abroad is one of the most exciting things you can do in your youth, it's also pretty damn costly.
Long-haul flights, travel insurance and working visas don't come cheap, so if you're planning a big move but still figuring out throw to stretch your dosh in preparation, you'll be pleased to know Tourism Australia have just made life much simpler for aspiring travellers.
Joining forces with a number of travel companies including USIT, the company is encouraging young people aged between 18 and 30 to take part in their Working Holiday Makers programme.
And that programme includes one very appealing 'all-in' package for just €999 which boasts a one-way flight to Sydney or Australia and a one-year Working Holiday Visa.
In addition to this, applicants will also be provided with a bank account, tax file number, one year’s travel insurance for Australia and New Zealand and one year’s job access.
"Youth travel is a price sensitive market and we’ve been very mindful of that fact as we’ve gone about developing partnerships for this campaign," said John O'Sullivan of Tourism Australia.
“This is the most comprehensive package of youth focused travel offers we’ve ever had in market at one time."
"Our Working Holiday Maker program provides the perfect launch-pad for a life-changing year, maybe even two, combining travel with temporary work," he added.
It is estimated approximately 5,000 Irish citizens, who meet the criteria, will avail of the WHM visa this year.