‘A true love story’ This Humans of Dublin post has everyone in BITS
Stories featured in Humans of Dublin have hit the headlines on numerous occasions for their ability to bring the internet to tears, and this latest one is no different.
Shared on the Humans of Dublin Facebook page last night, internet users were given an insight into the love story that unfolded between a dancer and her late husband over the course of 57 years.
"I started dancing when I was about 10-years-old. I met beautiful people throughout my whole life because of it. I did Irish dancing and afterwards moved up to the ballroom, we did all sorts of dance," Clare told photographer Peter Varga.
"This is how I met this lovely man too," she continued. "He was so handsome, you know? I was walking in Herbert Park with two girls when I saw him again, he was with his two friends."
"They said they were going to the Ritz that night and asked if we wanted to join them," she recalled. "I will always remember that film, The Desperados. We nearly weren't let in because we were so young. We all had to stand up, as if in high heels, just to get in."
Just 16 when she met him, she revealed: "I never had anyone else, before him or after. That is how we spent 57 years dancing together. He was a lovely and handsome man, you know?"
Peter then captured the moment his subject proudly clutched a photo of herself and her husband, and the internet is in bits this morning after it.
Commenting on the latest post, one Facebook user wrote: "Thank you for sharing your story. I love the photo of the two of you and I'm so glad your "night at the Ritz" lasted for 57 years."
"My parents met on a blind date to go to a dance on Halloween in 1957," wrote another follower of the page. "They got engaged that Christmas and were married the day after Valentine's Day in 1958"
"They were together a week shy of 50 years when my dad passed away. Sometimes those random chance encounters lead people to the person they're supposed to be with. Here's to a lifetime full of love!"
Aw ladies, it's too early for this!
The Humans of Dublin #TakeACloserLook collection is in connection with Vodafone, and snaps of Clare were captured on the Vodafone Smart Platinum 7.