‘A whole new dimension’: Karen Koster on life with two under two

"Babies get bad press, but our little guys really bring out the best in us. Nobody in the whole world makes us laugh more," Karen Koster laughs fondly as she describes her favourite parts of parenting.

We are beyond excited to get the opportunity to interview the TV3 presenter as she launches the campaign for HB Hazelbrook farm – encouraging families to 'share a little magic' this Autumn. 

She is so bubbly we get carried away chatting but eventually get down to the nitty-gritty. We start by asking her about her favourite childhood memories.

"My bother and sister were 10 and 13 when I was born and I completely idolised them, so some of my fondest memories are those times when they were giving me attention and bringing me along to play. We'd go into town with my mum and ride the glass elevator in the Ilac centre and get a treat somewhere – usually ice-cream."

"When I was older my mum took me to visit my older brother in London and we would go see a West End Show. I've such happy memories of all being together – especially at Christmas all curled up on the sofa".

A recent survey by HB Hazelbrook Farm revealed that 3 in 4 Irish parents wish they had more free time to spend with their children. The research also found that 70% of us would like to continue our childhood traditions with our own families.

Karen agrees but adds that these days paring back is really important. 

"I see people running from Billy to Bob trying to fit in as much as possible with their children on their days off – to the park, to granny's to music classes…and I'm guilty of trying to do it all too, but sometimes it is really important to just let children enjoy the simple things – to let their imagination peak by just making a den at home or playing make-believe."

"I used to make little coffee stands and travel agencies as a child. It was the best fun! I think these days people are afraid to let their children be 'bored,' but dont' forget that some of our best creativity comes when we have the gift of time."

There are just 14 months between Karen's sons. I asked her if there is anything about parenthood that surprised her?

"I remember sitting on the side of the bath during a particularly tough time with the boys – Finn was in the bath and I was feeding JJ. I couldn't take my eyes off either of them – they both needed me so much, all the time, and at the exact same time and I started thinking 'oh my god, this is really tough' and just then Finn started playing peek-a-boo and making his little brother laugh and it was one of the sweetest things ever."

"I realised then there is a whole dimension of being a parent that you don't expect – that relationship between siblings – that brotherly bond is just beautiful to watch," she added.

Does her label as 'super mum' bother her?

"Not at all – I think we are all super mums! Just the act of keeping it going all the time – having time for work and making dinner and pick-ups and keeping your friends and having some kind of time for yourself while also being a good sister, wife, daughter."

"It is really tough being a mum and trying to balance it all and I think getting through the days with lunches and keeping the house and also raising your children to the best of your ability is a really tough job. I applaud of us mums and dads. We should all pat ourselves on the back."
