Ab crack? Another trend which says women just aren’t measuring up
You could crunch yourself into oblivion and twist until you're blue in the face, but unless you leave the gym with a prominent vertical crease leading from your chest to your navel, you may as well give up.
At least according to the latest Instagram craze which honours those 'lucky' enough to boast a deep crevice down the centre of their torso, that is.
The so-called Ab Crack appears to have taken the place of the thigh gap, thigh brow and the bikini bridge, and is, if a recent article in Elle is to be believed, the holy grail of all women. Puh-lease.
"Behold, the craziest new core look – an irrigation ditch divide down the center of your stomach, aka the Ab Crack," read the piece. "While Ab Cracks vary in depth and definition, all Ab Cracks show us you’ve been in the gym. We get it. We’re very impressed."
While many of us are more than capable of raising an eyebrow before turning a blind eye to these supposed body trends, a worrying number of impressionable young women fall victim to them time and time again.
"These fads can be triggering to people who are struggling with or are pre-dispositioned to an eating disorder," Claire Mysko, president of the National Eating Disorders Association told Yahoo Style.
"It’s time that we, as a culture, recognise that fact, and promote being healthy and happy with who we are," she said. "The reality is that these ‘ideal’ body-image goals are simply unrealistic and unattainable for most people -and unhealthy to even strive for."
You heard the woman; unless you want to sacrifice your health for a fleeting craze, leave the Ab Cracks to Emily Ratajkowski.