September 29: March for Choice to make abortion care accessible to all
The 8th Amendment has been repealed, but women are still travelling for abortions as we await the appropriate legislation.
The constitutional impediment to abortions in Ireland is now gone, but there was a delay in actioning the amendment to the constitution after a Dublin woman appealed to challenge the referendum result.
On yesterday's anniversary of the 8th Amendment being voted in, the Supreme Court decided to clear the way for abortion legislation to proceed in the Dail by dismissing her challenge appeal.
Linda Kavanagh, spokesperson for the Abortion Rights Campaign said: “It was frustrating to see these attempts to block the will of the people of Ireland, but we’re glad to see that this obstruction has been cleared away.'
'Now more than ever we most focus on bringing in legislation and services to provide abortion care to everyone who needs it in Ireland.”
She continued “While legal challenges are part of the democratic process, we are relieved that this petition is finally dismissed. It was another in a long line of stalling tactics which the people of Ireland have had to endure while waiting for the full range of reproductive healthcare options here at home.'
'Since 66% of voters said “Yes” in the referendum on May 25th, over 1000 people have travelled to get abortion care, and others have imported safe but illegal abortion pills.'
The Abortion Rights Campaign wants to make abortion and reproductive care accessible to all, regardless of financial restrictions.
'We now must ensure that no one gets left behind when legislation and guidelines are introduced. We’re marching on September 29th to demand that this legislation ensures the free, safe and legal abortion care that we have always asked for, and that the Irish people voted for on May 25th.'
The theme of the march this year is “Free, Safe, Legal.