ACNE: If a model can walk the run way with it, why are you hiding it?
Acne; it's a bitch.
I know, I suffered from it for years and the effects of it still haven't vanished from my face.
And, I'm not talking about one or two spots; I'm talking about parts of your face covered in sore, red zits.
It's not the most attractive, but why are we so ashamed of it when so many people suffer from it?
Most teenagers get spots, but 15 per cent go on to suffer from inflamed, troublesome pimples.
Starlie Smith, a musician and model, recently walked in the Dolce & Gabbana runway, and one eagle-eyed Reddit user noticed that there was just a sheer layer of foundation over her acne.
Starlie looked insanely gorgeous, pimples and all, strutting down the catwalk. And did her spots make her look any less beautiful? Not at all.
The Atomics performer isn't shy about showing off her bare face, and when I look at her, all I can think is 'wow, what a stunner'.
We need to realise that we go through these things in life, and no matter how much acne can get you down and put a dent in your self-confidence, it shouldn't stop us from being our best selves.
After years of treatments, creams, visits to the doctor and antibiotics, I'm still not 100 per cent happy, but f*ck it. I'm going to try to take a page out of Starlie's book.
She's in the limelight and I'm sure she has tried just about everything to improve the appearance of her skin.
But for the time being, she isn't hiding it and pretending it isn't there. She embracing life; she's taking major steps in her career, and she's not letting it hurt her self-confidence.
So, take some inspiration from her – block out the naysayers and know that no matter how big that spot is on your forehead, you can't let it get in your way.
You're so much more than acne. F*ck acne.