#Ad or #spon? Pippa O’Connor on promoting products on social media
When you see a social media post that has been paid for, do you scroll on or keep listening?
Many bloggers and influencers have come under fire for not being up front about whether they are paid to talk about a product.
But now, one of Ireland's top influencers, Pippa O' Connor, has insisted that she doesn't get paid to post about goods or services – if she likes a product, she'll simply just say it.
According to goss.ie, the beauty blogger said: "Anything I talk about on here whether it's beauty, fashion, somewhere I've been, something I've used, if I am collaborating with a brand on anything, it will always be said this is an ad i.e they are paying me to collaborate with them.
"If I don't state otherwise it means I'm just sharing what I like.
"Just to fill you in on my point of view. I'm asked dozens, probably more than dozens of times a day to promote a brand, company, product, salon, hotel you name it I'm asked to plug it and promote it.
"But I have to respect the amount of following I have and be true. I could be on here 100s of times a day saying 'this is amazing', 'that's amazing', 'go here', 'go there' but you're not stupid. But I never ever do that.
"If someone asks me how much do I charge to do an Instagram post or Snapchat post I just don't, I don't do that. That's not what I'm about," she said.
"Apart from it being important to be honest and to not try and pull the wool over people's eyes to make a few bob, it's against the law, you have to state when something is an ad and if something is sponsored…and I think it's a good rule.
"You have to be true, you have to be honest with yourself, because you won't last and people will just see through that and be like 'ugh she's talking crap again'.
"I think there's nothing wrong by the way with a blogger, celebrity, influencer doing the sponsored tweets, snaps, instagram, by all means do it but be honest with yourself and be honest with everyone else," she explained.