Ah, classic! Niall Horan shared his mam’s medical advice on Twitter


Ah, Niall… we've all been there.

We used to want to defy our mothers when they told us to wrap up or not sit on the ground, because guess what? We'd catch a cold. We didn't listen though, and it seems like Niall Horan didn't listen to his mammy either.

The singer shared on Twitter yesterday that he has a chest infection, writing: "Get a chest infection Christmas week …. cool cool cool ……. not ideal."

And he then followed it up with: "Should have listened to my mother years ago when she said 'don't go out with wet hair or you'll get pneumonia' (sic)."

Yep, like most of us Niall, you should have listened to your mammy. But, while Niall was suffering with is cold yesterday, he also posted a rather heartwarning quote about Ireland:

G'wan Nialler.
