All the things we have to remember how to do once society re-opens
Our lives have changed immeasurably in the last year. Our worlds have shrunk immeasurably, with social circles, work lives and travel range constricting to include only the bare essentials. Going out to do the food shopping – once a mundane chore – became one of the highlights of the week, our work and home lives collided with a jolting crash and most of our friends and family have only been seen through a screen for the last year.
But now that things are opening up, a lot of us are realising how out of practice we are at all the things that used to be second nature to us; socialising, travelling, working in an office space. Our extroverted muscles need flexing as our worlds reopen a little with the arrival of vaccines and lifted restrictions to get used to going back to ‘the real world’. Here are a few things that are going to feel really strange at first when we ‘rejoin society’ – as safely as we can.
Seeing more people than we’ve seen in months
The crowds those first few months are going to be super overwhelming. We’re so used to keeping our distance these days – and we should keep doing that until we’re in a better place with vaccinations – that we’ll be unused to being around that many people in one place. Never mind in bars and restaurants, even just in shops and around cultural institutions. The sheer amount of people, all on the go is going to seem so strange and even a little frightening at first, when we finally get out and about again.
Sitting in a restaurant for more than 1.5 hours
We can stay there all night if we want! It’s been over a year since we’ve had unrestricted access to pubs and restaurants. Last summer and Christmas saw us return to them with a time limit, which saw people scarfing down food and choosing between a starter and a dessert and coffee. It will in many ways be a much more relaxed, less time-pressurized experience, but it will defiantly feel a little weird to take our time at first.
Going for casual drinks
Nothing sociable that we do right now is casual! Any opportunity to see people and we’re dressed up to the nines and thinking about it all week! Long gone are the days when we’d throw on jeans and nice top and head out last minute for a night out! Getting that care-free, last minute routine down is going to be tough, but we’re excited to try!
Being in people’s homes
This one is only for vaccinated people at the moment, but when we are allowed in to other people’s homes it’s going to be like going to an alien planet! We’ve spent so long looking at our own four walls, it’s going to be so weird to be in someone else’s! Plus, everyone has spent the last year doing up their homes and gardens so it will be like stepping into a magazine with each home we visit!
But even more worrying is the social side of things – how do you make small talk? What do you bring with you? Do people still elbow bump, or is that weird now? What do you wear? How do you not automatically look for hand sanitiser when you walk in the door?
Travelling – even within the country!
The first time we were allowed beyond our 5k this year was such a surreal feeling. After five long months we were let loose, and it felt so bold to go past our little bubbles! I had walked every walk it was possible to walk within my 5k – as had everyone at that point – so leaving it was simultaneously a relief and a little bit terrifying. Like we were leaving a protective bubble and heading out into the big wide world. The same thing happened when we could go past our county borders. It’s difficult to get back into these things that were once as natural as breathing – they now feel almost dangerous, like if we drive too far we’ll fall off the edge! Don't even get us started on international travel!
Going on dates
Just generally getting back into any sort of romantic relationship. How does one meet people post-pandemic? What do you talk about when neither of you have done anything but Netflix and work from home for the last year? Do you wait until you’re both vaccinated before making a move? How do you go on a casual drinks date now, when the whole world and its mother will be out wining and dining in every viable date spot within a hundred-mile radius?
Wearing workwear
Office wear? Don’t know her. Working from home has made us ditch the office wardrobe we had so carefully cultivated over the years. Now we can’t imagine wearing those heels we once thought casual, that formal pencil skirt that’s nowhere near as comfy as our sweats or that crisp, clean blouse that can’t compare with our fleecy hoodies. We’re pretty sure there’s a fashion disaster or two in our future when we do finally get back into the office.