America just can’t get enough of our President Michael D. Higgins
On Sunday, our president Michael D. Higgins met Bernie Saudners in the Áras, and it's safe to say our bromance dreams came true.
Of course, we all went wild with the pictures, but it wasn't until last night that America caught on to it.
Bernie tweeted a picture with Mickey D, while also letting his supporters know that both of them have very similar views on a number of important issues.
Jane and I were honored to meet with @PresidentIRL when we were in Dublin. We really enjoyed our discussion which touched on myriad issues. pic.twitter.com/PZzDf3VztJ
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) June 6, 2017
Pres. Higgins, a member of the Labour Party, has been a lifelong advocate for workers' rights, women's equality and the needs of refugees.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) June 6, 2017
However, Twitter concentrated more on the resemblance of the pair, going so far as to say they're twins:
wait are you guys twins? https://t.co/3ekHmdaVcg
— Melanie Grace (@melanieg94) June 7, 2017
Uncanny resemblance https://t.co/YGrgh1TTQp
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) June 6, 2017
Reg size Bernie feat. mini Bern https://t.co/ORaQvdOCh3
— The Colonel (@TheLizardKernal) June 7, 2017
I didn't think it was possible to be cuter than Bernie Sanders, but I was wrong. https://t.co/0EdEBpsZ3O
— Bethany Shirk (@blshirk) June 7, 2017
And many Americans LOVED that our president's Twitter handle is @PresidentIRL:
hold on a minute @BernieSanders. you mean to tell me the irish president's twitter handle is @PresidentIRL? i love it. yes. https://t.co/8HSGJ9a0iK
— Travis Waller (@traviswwaller) June 7, 2017
PresidentIRL is the best handle I've seen in a long time. https://t.co/DrvTFrJ9Xp
— Luke O'Neil (@lukeoneil47) June 7, 2017
We can see the buds of a beautiful friendship.