LOL! Amy Huberman has just won the internet with this Census post
Twitter and Instagram were awash with hilarious Census-related posts last night, and as usual, Amy Huberman, cracked us up with her own take on the nation's mammoth task.
The popular actress, who never fails to raise a laugh online, weighed in on the Census chat and reminded us why she's one of our main go-to girls on Instagram.
Sharing an image of the cutest fairy house ever, the Threesome actress questioned whether it was appropriate to declare its occupant on the Huberman /O' Driscoll Census form for 2016.
"Declare or not on the census?" she asked in a post which had Insta-users lolling in spite of themselves following its upload last night.
The star's post sent some of her Instagram followers into overdrive as they wondered whether they had majorly failed on the Census front by forgetting to include some of their own household occupants.
"Think we left two tenants off the census," wrote one worried Insta-user while another ranted: "F*ck! I knew we forgot someone!"
Way to make form-filling a lot more entertaining, Amy.