An Post Money launch Rate Alerts to maximise currency savings for holiday-makers
An Post, together with Sue Perkins (The Great British Bake Off and Sue Perkins’ Big American Road Trip), today launched Rate Alerts -a brand new feature to the An Post Money Currency Card. Rate Alerts allows the customer to set a target exchange rate for their currency of choice, and customers will receive a push notification when this target is reached – meaning money can be exchanged at a preferred rate. The new facility will be available on the An Post Money App, where customers can also manage their money, monitor spending and exchange currency commission-free. According to a survey conducted by An Post Money, over 73% of adults plan to travel abroad this year, and are saving hard for it, with strong sales being made for Canadian and Australian currency. Along with Rate Alerts, Sue touched on a number of different tips and tricks to make your money go further while on holiday this Summer.
Sue Perkins commented:
“Savour local cuisine: Immerse yourself in the local food scene, trying new dishes, exploring local markets, and indulge in authentic culinary experiences. Not only will you enjoy delicious flavours, but you can also save money by opting for local eateries that offer authentic experiences at affordable prices.
Explore off-the-beaten path: Venture beyond the typical tourist attractions and discover hidden gems in lesser-known areas. That way you can have unique experiences and local cultures and you may also find that prices are more budget-friendly compared to popular tourist spots.
Stay updated on exchange rates: It's essential to stay informed about exchange rates when traveling abroad. By using An Post Travel Money Rate Alerts and convenient currency options, you can seize the opportune moment to exchange your currency at favourable rates. This way, you can maximise your holiday budget and have peace of mind knowing you're getting the best value for your money”.
Lucy Murray, Customer Experience Director, An Post Retail said:
“An Post Money is Ireland’s leading provider of foreign currency on secure card and cash, available through the An Post Money app and at 900 post offices, six days a week. We know our customers and what’s important to them when travelling so peace of mind and value for money are key features of our commission-free currency card and cash options, as well as simple online top-ups, card freeze options and easy access to cash in an emergency.
“Rate Alerts will make a big difference to customers closely watching fluctuating exchange rates so that they can pounce and purchase at their preferred exchange rate.”
What’s clear is that Irish people are saving hard for their holidays, and are on the hunt for small ways to make savings and stretch their holiday-spend that bit further. Whether it’s security concerns, the convenience of popping into the Post Office for cash or card, or getting the best deal using Rate Alerts, An Post has customers covered for all their foreign currency needs this Summer.
Cash is still King
An Post are the only foreign currency provider on the market that offer both cash and card. Their foreign currency offerings are available at over 900 Post Offices in the country, open 6 days a week – convenient for that last minute dash the day before a flight. According to survey participants, the Post Office continues to be the number one choice for foreign cash, and it’s wise to purchase before you get to the airport or go abroad, as An Post charge 0% commission on their foreign currency offerings. Over 60% of customers travelling to the UK and US surveyed said that while they favour card, they still like to have cash with them, for emergencies in particular.
An Post Money Currency Card the popular option
For summer holidays in 2023, the An Post Money Currency Card is essential. The card holds up to 15 currencies, and can be topped up online, or via the An Post Money app or in the Post Office. The An Post Currency Card is a Mastercard, meaning customers have access to 24/7 customer service from wherever they are in the world. For added security, An Post Money will give customers two cards, so if one gets lost or stolen, the other can be used. Also by using the An Post Money app, you can freeze or cancel your card. An Post Money can also arrange access to emergency cash via Western Union up to the value of what was on the Currency Card should it be lost or stolen and you need cash quickly.
** Research conducted via Red C Online Omnibus Survey and Currency Card Customer Survey