Angela Scanlon opens up about keeping her children offline
Nowadays, many high-profile celebrities vary their approaches when it comes to showcasing their children on social media.
Ask Me Anything host Angela Scanlon has been opening up about the reason why she chooses to keep her kids’ lives away from the limelight.
Speaking to Goss, the beloved Irish presenter was completely honest when she was asked about her decision to give her children more privacy.
“Look, I think it’s a totally personal decision. I have lots of friends and lots of peers who happily show their kids, and I love seeing them,” the 38-year-old admitted.
However, Angela believes that the choice should be in the hands of her children. “I actually think mine are pretty cute, so I’d like to show their faces, but I think it’s not really my decision to make is the truth of it.”
The mum-of-two went on to explain that she and her husband Roy had a frank chat about the issue, before the two of them became parents. “Myself and Roy had a conversation before we had Ruby which was years ago and if she wants to at a certain point do that, then fine,” Angela noted.
“But I just think social media is a tricky one. We’re not really sure how it works. I think it’s not my choice, truthfully,” she added.
Angela then discussed how she battles with the choice to keep her children away from the spotlight. “So we’ve kept them off and whether I will change my mind, I don’t know but I think not,” she said.
“I mean the odd time I have posted by mistake a picture of [Ruby] where the crop has gone wrong or something, and I get this wild lurch of fear and I think that confirms that for us it’s the right thing to do right now.”
Angela concluded her thoughts by lamenting on her life as a celebrity, and how she wants to protect her children’s identities as much as possible. “I made the decision, not actively, I think it happens gradually when you’re in the public eye. I’ve accepted that part of the gig for me, but [Ruby] hasn’t,” she revealed honestly.
“I feel that is a sacred part of my life, which I feel quite strongly about, so I do want to protect that,” she admitted.
Angela and Roy share two children together. The pair welcomed their first child in February 2018, a baby girl named Ruby. In February of this year, Angela gave birth to their second child, a daughter named Marnie.