Anne Hathaway on her Oscar win: ‘I tried to PRETEND I was happy’
When Anne Hathaway finished filming Lés Miserables, it seemed like people were giving her a lot of hate, but it turns out she was dealing with much more than she was letting on.
In an interview with The Guardian, Anne explained that when she won her Oscar for Les Miserables, she was still in her character, Fantine's mindset.
"I felt very uncomfortable. I kind of lost my mind doing that movie and it hadn't come back yet. Then I had to stand up in front of people and feel something I don't feel which is uncomplicated happiness.
"It's an obvious thing, you win an Oscar and you're supposed to be happy. I didn't feel that way. I felt wrong that I was standing there in a gown that cost more than some people are going to see in their lifetime, and winning an award for portraying pain that still felt very much a part of our collective experience as human beings.
"I tried to pretend that I was happy and I got called out on it, big time. That's the truth and that's what happened. It sucks. But what you learn from it is that you only feel like you can die from embarrassment, you don't actually die."
We think she did an amazing performance as Fatine.