Ash Wednesday is here, and the Twitter banter about Lent is lit

Ah, Lent, the annual era of chastisement and depravity where some of the finer things in life, including alcohol chocolate and takeaways, are shunned in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

It's officially Ash Wednesday, so it's time to get that grey smudge on your forehead and remove something delightful from your life until April, when the chocolate-fest that is Easter commences.

Here's some of the best Twitter banter about the season of soulful suffering. 

10. When you instantly regret your life choices.

9. Don't set yourself unrealistic expectations there.

8. Swearing and chocolate… the two toughest things.

7. Prior preparation prevents p*** poor performance.

6. Separating the believers from the heathens.

5. They should make mass pulpits Pokestops. 

4. That's our kind of Lent…

3. A missed opportunity. 

2. The feeling is extra strong today. 

1. We can get behind this one.

