Audience required for new movie test screening
Do you enjoy fantasy and adventure films with a dash of magic and romance? Do you love movies with a strong, courageous young female lead? Then you’ll be very interested in this.
A special secret test screening is being held in Dublin this weekend and if you have younger sisters (or brothers!) aged between 8 and 15, you could come along to see the exciting new movie.
We love using our younger siblings to get into teen movies with some dignity!
There’s a maximum of 4 tickets per invite and the group must include 1 adult. All participants will also get to complete an anonymous questionnaire at the end of the film.
This free screening will be held on Sunday March 9th at 11am sharp in Movies@Dundrum and since seating is limited, RSVP registration for seats is essential
To register, email testscreening14@gmail.com with your details and wait for a confirmation message.