Bad mood? You need to meet the world’s most adorable dad
Babies, puppies, sloths… present us with anything remotely cute and we will instantly turn into a pile of mush. We definitely didn't expect this dad to be the same, though.
Philip's family had a Maltese for 15 years until he had to be put down, leaving his poor father heartbroken. One day, Philip and his mum went on a secret mission to find a new puppy for their family, returning with a gorgeous little furball.
"We had told my father that we were going food shopping and went off to where we had picked out our previous little puppy 15 years earlier," Philip explains in the video description.
After arriving home "from the grocery store", Philip's mum lured his dad out to the car under the pretence of unloading the shopping. His reaction to the surprise is the sweetest thing we've seen all week.
This video was first uploaded in 2013 but it has gone viral again over the last few days.
We can see why, because who doesn't need some vintage cuteness in their lives?