Baffled by beauty? We answer Google’s top beauty queries of 2016
2016 is coming to a close, and it got us wondering: what were the most popular beauty questions of the year?
Luckily, Google has our back, and has compiled a list of the most googled beauty questions that have been asked over the last 12 months.
Whether you were wondering when Kylie's next lip kit was dropping or contemplating whether you could pull off glitter roots, we have all the answers to the world's most sought-after beauty questions.
1. How to do a fishtail braid?
Fishtail braids are taking the top spot for the most googled beauty question of 2016, probably because of their perceived trickery.
The braids are a little fussy to complete, but not as hard as they look.
2. How to make hair grow faster?
Unfortunately, there's no sure-fire way to achieve longer locks (other than getting extensions).
Eating a diet that's high in protein and vitamins can help, as well as getting regular trims to prevent breakage.
3. How to shape eyebrows?
Eyebrow shaping is best left to professionals, especially if you've never gotten them done before.
If you are between appointments and need a quick touch-up, only pluck any stray hairs between the brows and under the arch – never above the brows.
4. How to curl hair?
Curling your hair is pretty easy, whether you have a GHD, curling wand or Instyler.
Looking for messy, subtle waves? Simply sleep with your hair in a chunky plait.
5. How to remove gel nails?
If you need to remove your gel nails, make sure you don't pick them off! This can cause damage to your natural nails, making them weak and brittle.
Simply drench some cotton balls in acetone, apply them to your finger tips, wrap them in tin foil and wait for the nails to become loose.
6. How to clean makeup brushes?
Cleaning your makeup brushes is super-easy.
If you don't have a professional brush cleaner, get a bottle of gentle Baby "No Tears" Shampoo, and use it as a soap while gently rinsing your brushes under lukewarm water.
You can also try a brush cleaning mat, which is a textured scrubbing mat designed to get in between the bristles for a deeply-cleaned brush.
7. How to apply concealer?
There is no right way to apply concealer, as everyone needs it for different reasons.
However, applying concealer after foundation, rather than before, can give a better finish.
8. How to get rid of bags under your eyes?
Under-eye bags can only be truly cured by one thing – more sleep.
Getting yourself into a routine where you get a refreshing seven to eight hours of sleep a night can combat under-eye bags and puffiness, as well as improve your overall health.
9. How to fill in eyebrows?
Filling in your eyebrows can be done using a variety of mediums, from powders to pencils to brow gel.
A tinted brow gel can be one of the easiest methods, as this shapes the brow with one swipe of a wand while also adding thickness and colour.
10. What is balayage?
Balayage is a hair colour technique where the ends of the hair are bleached lighter than the roots.
The trend came to the fore in 2012, but has been used on blonde hair for years to achieve a more natural effect.