Batten down the hatches! Ireland on high alert as storm moves in
Met Éireann have issued a red alert for exposed and mountain areas of Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Galway, Clare, Limerick and Kerry where winds are expected to reach between 130-150km/h tonight.
The red alert will come into place tonight at 9pm and is in place until midday tomorrow. However, alerts have also been issued for other areas of the country with an orange alert being issued for the rest of Ireland and a yellow rainfall alert in place for Connaught, Donegal, Clare, Cork, Kerry and Limerick.
The National Emergency Committee have advised people on the west coast to stay indoors and avoid travel if possible and to stay clear of waterways and cliff walks.
With things expected to be particularly bad in Kerry, schools are set to remain closed with The Department of Education advising similar areas on red alert to do the same.
Storm Rachel is well on her way following the snowy night seen in much of the country so stay indoors and be careful when out and about!
#StormRachel has already begun to trend on Twitter with many people tweeting about the bad weather – and there's only more to come!
I've my planters and pots in ahead of #StormRachel which is beginning to hit #Kerry very hard pic.twitter.com/bv5qJZbkyc
— Shane McAuliffe (@ShaneMcAuliffe1) January 14, 2015
My car is rockin' with the wind – nearly lifted with me in it, hope its still here when I come out of the gym! #StormRachel
— Emma's Soy Candles (@EmmasSoyCandles) January 14, 2015
It. Is. Wild. #stormrachel Don't go anywhere unless u absolutely have to. Stay indoors.
— Stephen Cusack (@profcusack) January 14, 2015
Stay safe out there everyone! #StormRachel pic.twitter.com/0zCBeIEqVH
— Rachel O' Meara (@RachelOMeara01) January 14, 2015
Stay safe everyone!