Batten down the hatches: We’re all in for one pretty BALTIC weekend
We've all been finding it surprisingly mild of late, so it makes sense we'd be due a right old shock to our systems, doesn't it?
And this weekend, we're going to get it.
Cold & gen. dry tonight, near calm, patchy rain in parts of Lein. Clearest skies further W., frost & ice most likely here. Lows. of -1 to +3
— Met Éireann (@MetEireann) January 19, 2017
According to those in the know, a cold weather snap is currently making its way through Europe, and we're about to experience the tail end of it.
Met Éireann have advised the public that we are in for frosty conditions over the next 48 hours, with temperartures set to drop to as low as -3.
Tonight will be cold and clear while Saturday will kick off with frosty conditions and icy stretches which will stay put across the weekend before clearing as we head into next week.
Oh, joy!