Baywatch and bad boy tattoos: Operation Transformation is LIT


We're really loving Operation Transformation at the moment, it's giving us all the motivation we need to maintain our 2017 diets. 

The sixth season of the show has been full of highs nd lows, and this week Yvonne revealed how her weight gain has stopped her from pursuing one of her passion, singing. 

"I used to sing years ago and then I saw myself singing on some video or something and I realised how big I looked so then I didn’t sing for years after that. When it gets overwhelming like that and those doubts take over then it’s too much of an effort,” she said.

Pic: RTE

After  dramatic 3lb weight loss, the 48-year-old showcased her delightful vocals on the show, and we sincerely hope she never shies away from the limelight again. 

Speaking of the lime light, we're not sure if her husband Stephen is quite ready to be her backup dancer, maybe a few more jive classes are necessary. 

Pic: RTE

Chris had a bit of a tougher time this week, after a brand new tattoo threw a bit of a spanner in the works of his new exercise plan.

Swimming with a new tattoo is never a good idea, so trainer Karl had to the plan to include walking and definitely wasn't happy about it.

The exercise diversion showed in the weigh in, when Chris failed to hit his weight loss target.

Pic: RTE

In a final push to drop the pounds, the leaders faced off against previous Operation Transformation participants in an epic Fire Brigade Challenge.

Sean, who has previously opened up about the dark side of gaining weight. took charge during the challenge, and excelled in the activities.

And that Baywatch montage though?

Congratulations to all of the OT participants for their massive progress this week. 

You can follow the progress of all of the leaders on the Operation Transformation website, or catch another episode tomorrow night at 8.30pm on RTÉ One
