‘Boys don’t wear princess dresses’: Lewis Hamilton shames his nephew
Lewis Hamilton has come under fire on social media today after he uploaded footage of himself scolding his young nephew for wearing a princess dress.
The Formula One champion, who has had an on again / off again relationship with Nicole Scherzinger for more than a decade, has been criticised by the public in the wake of the upload.
"I’m so sad right now…look at my nephew," he says to the camera yesterday before directing it at a little boy happily wearing a princess costume.
Oh dear Lewis. You’ve just opened a can of worms… pic.twitter.com/fpsiNeOZrd
— Nabeela (@JustNabz) December 25, 2017
"Why are you wearing a princess dress? Is this what you got for Christmas?" he asked the child who giggled bashfully in response.
Raising his voice, Lewis continued: "Why did you ask for a princess dress for Christmas, boys don’t wear Christmas dresses!"
The footage, which has been deleted from the 32-year-old's Instagram, has infuriated his followers who wasted no time venting their anger.
Starting to maybe look like #LewisHamilton is a bit of a bigot… https://t.co/HDZs4f4RZ4
— Dean (@DeanMThomson) December 26, 2017
Male public figures: this would be an *excellent* time to put on a princess dress and post a photo, in solidarity with wee boys everywhere who just want to play and have fun, and in defiance of the adults who mock them for it. #LewisHamilton pic.twitter.com/auaSBG9YeO
— Kirsty Strickland (@KirstyStricklan) December 26, 2017
“Boys don’t wear dresses.”? Last time I checked, adults don’t publicly shame children for being children on Christmas Day, or any other day for that matter. Absolute prick #LewisHamilton
— Aaron can’t think of a Boxing Day name (@19an86) December 26, 2017
oh dear #lewishamilton not only a tax dodger but also a massive twat
— David McDonagh (@davmcdngh) December 26, 2017