Bread out on the counter? 8 ways your kitchen is making you FAT
We all know that what’s inside our fridges, freezers, and cupboards is going to have a fairly significant impact on our health.
But now new research has suggested that how your kitchen is laid-out is just as influential when it comes to keeping trim.
Yes, following an in-depth study at the Food And Brand Lab at Cornell University, scientists have announced: “The food on our counters, the smells in the kitchen, the lighting in the room and even the colour of the walls can contribute to obesity.”
So, what can we do? Well, the university also has tops tips that makes for some rather interesting reading…
1) Keep your blender or juicer out on the counter:
“When you have that craving for something sweet, the blender might just serve as a reminder that healthy fruit smoothies can satisfy that urge.”
2) Keep bread in fridge
“Bread can be a healthy snack, but if eaten too frequently, it will lead to extra pounds. Keep the fruit on the counter and put the bread away so the lower calorie snacks are easier to grab.”
3) Cover high-calorie items with tinfoil and the more nutritious items with cling-film
“Hiding temptations can help you remember to eat fruits and vegetables. This can keep you from eating 120 extra calories a day.”
4) Keep a jug of flavoured water
“Water infused with fruit can satisfy our craving without loading us down with extra calories. Compared to soda, drinking water can save you 100 calories per 8 fluid ounce glass.”
5) Serve up your dinner before you put the plates on the table
“People who use this strategy eat 19 percent less food, which can be beneficial to the waistline in the long run.
6) Dim your kitchen lights
Doing so can help you “eat more mindfully, resulting in 175 fewer calories per meal.”
7) Paint your kitchen in neutral tones
“Brighter tones cause us to feel anxious so we eat faster; darker tones relax us so we take more time to eat and might eat more. A neutral colour can help avoid either extreme.”
8) Use air fresheners
“Clean, fresh scents most likely will not trigger our memories of delicious foods or spark a craving for something sweet — helping us avoid unnecessary snacking.”