Bridesmaids fans will be delighted with this news
Bridesmaids has to go down as one of the funniest chick flicks of recent years, so naturally, we’re all bursting for a sequel.
And while previous interviews with cast and crew made it look like it may never happen, one of the film’s biggest stars has just given us fresh hope.
Melissa McCarthy, who played the hilarious Megan Price in the movie, has said that she would be all for reprising her role in a follow-up instalment.
Use your powers of persuasion, Melissa!
Speaking in a recent radio interview, the award-winning actress said: “I had such a good time doing that movie. Every single day on that movie was ridiculously fun.”
“At some point, if Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo say, ‘You know what, we wrote another one’, I would be tickled pink to do it,” she added.
While the movie cleaned up during awards season, producer Judd Apatow previously admitted that he was reluctant to undertake a sequel unless the script could do justice to the original.
“The key is we have to come up with an idea that is as good, or better than the first one,” he said at the time.
With a cast and crew like that on board, we’re sure they are up to the challenge.
Fingers crossed that Melissa’s enthusiasm sets the wheels in motion!