Can’t take massive supplement tablets? This liquid supplement is the answer.
It’s often hard to find a supplement that doesn’t involve swallowing a bullet sized tablet and yet we still desire to support our everyday diet with such a supplement. That’s where turning to a liquid supplement, such as Swedish Nutra, is the best answer.
Swedish Nutra specialise in supporting health, well-being, your joints and helping you glow from within with a range of products suitable for all the family. The Swedish Nutra products are 100% natural, lactose free, gluten free and contain no preservatives. With the range you can support your immune system with using their VitaminC+D3 and Zinc, Ginseng Energy, and Ultra+ Multivitamin liquid supplements.
The range:
Swedish Nutra Ultra+ Multivitamin – RRP €23.95
Swedish Nutra VitaminC+D3 and Zinc – RRP €17.95
Swedish Nutra Ginseng Energy – RRP €27.95
Where to find Swedish Nutra:
Swedish Nutra can be found in over 500 leading pharmacies nationwide including, McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, McCabes Pharmacies, Allcare Pharmacies, Your Local Pharmacy, Meaghers Pharmacy and many more.