Cara Kilbey injured after shock car accident yesterday
If a friendship can withstand this, then it can pretty much withstand anything.
Former TOWIE star Cara Kilbey proved she's a grade A gal after she forgave her mate Lauren Goodger for driving over her foot this weekend and leaving her in a cast.
Taking to social media to highlight the result of Lauren's questionable driving skills, Cara posted a snap of herself sporting an enormous cast on her right foot and a cute pedi on her left one.
Deciding to take the high road and remain good humoured about the accident, the lovely Cara captioned the shot with a very tongue-in-cheek post, writing: "Suppose it's a day indoors then… Thank you @LaurenGoodger for running my foot over."
Determined to remedy the situation, the hapless Lauren apologised for the mishap, writing: "@carakilbey nothing can be normal with us- like I said shout me if you need any running about…Loves ya #sorry #imsillycow."
Cara, who has experienced incredibly sad times recently, seemed to take the whole incident on the chin and was flooded with well wishes from concerned fans and followers.
Expressing shock that Lauren actually landed her mate in hospital, one concerned fan wrote: "Did she actually?!"
Unfortunately yes, she did!