Chopping, changing, colouring or cultivating your tresses?
Looking to reinvent yourself a la Kylie Jenner and her sexy mermaid waves? Need to deal with those nasty split ends?
Fear not! Because we’ve gathered the top tips your hairdresser really wishes you knew – so you can get around to attaining your most magnificent mane EVER.
Be realistic
Guilty of passing away the hours glued to our favourite Pinterest boards eyeing up hair porn? Finding inspiration online is no big deal, after all we do it all the time. However, it’s worth remembering that most of those shots are styled professionally for HOURS before hitting our screens. That and the stars are usually sporting high-quality hair extensions and the final looks can often be photo-shopped anyway. So keep your expectations realistic before throwing a strop in the stylist's chair.
Long locks take time
Who doesn’t want those Victoria’s Secret Angel tousled waves? But, they take a lot more work than you think. So have patience! Growing your hair out for a year (or more!), refusing to get it cut will probably only result in the number two blade being brought out to get rid of the resulting dry, damaged and sad tresses. So instead, opt for a trim every month or so – a habit which should mean just the ends will need to be tidied up on each visit.
Mind your manners
Don’t forget basic manners at your next appointment. Arriving on time will help you out in the long run and it’s good for business if customers aren’t left sitting impatiently. There are only so magazines we can read after all. If you’re happy with your new look, don’t forget to leave a tip to say thank you for their hard work.
What are you hiding?
Everyone had that one dodgy style we want to forget. But your hairdresser isn’t going to remember all your hair highs and lows so it’s worth confessing your past mistakes in case you need extra treatments or they can recommend new products to help you look your hair look it’s most fabulous.
Know your colours
Want to lighten up a shade for the summer months? Excellent, but know your stuff before you go full-on blonde bombshell. The process involves removing molecules (melanin) from the hair and your best bet to avoid a shocking reveal is to gradually lighten your colour. And adding light brown dye to dark hair won’t get you anywhere as you’re only adding more dark molecules to the hair. So, best leave the bleach where it belongs and make the trip to your hairdresser instead. Even Kim K went for a re-do after that transformation.
The price of perfection
It’s tempting to avail of the latest deal or go for a bargain-basement salon. And sometimes, you can be lucky and strike gold. But, if you ended up with a dodgy bob (not to mention a broken heart), consider investing in your crowning glory. The same goes for your hair-care products: cheaper brands might leave you feeling richer but your locks would appreciate a little bit more lovin’.
Love your look? Say it, tweet it, share it on Instagram
If you’re walking out the door with a smile on your face and camera at the ready for the inevitable post hair-cut selfie, then don’t forget to spread the word. Hairdressers often rely on word-of-mouth and good reviews keep the business booming, so put those hashtags to good use and give your favourite spot a shout-out, who knows, it could even get you a discount in the future. #winning