Citizens’ Assembly votes for access to abortion WITHOUT restrictions
The Citizens Assembly met this weekend for the final time as the assembly continued to reconsider Ireland's controversial constitutional restrictions on abortion.
And it looks like everything is about to change, with the majority voting for access to abortions without restrictions.
Various members have been tweeting about it on social media today, with many praising the assembly for finally coming to the result that mostly everybody wanted.
It's a massive win for the pro-choice movement, which saw a 64 per cent favour in access to abortions without restrictions.
And everyone is rejoicing on Twitter:
Result! #CitizensAssembly
— Bill Dukelow (@billdukelow) April 23, 2017
#CitizensAssembly have restored my faith in the people of Ireland. Roll on the #referendum. #FreeSafeLegal #ComeOnIreland https://t.co/0H9VcxrlVs
— Pre-Assembled (@irokie) April 23, 2017
I can't believe it. What a day. What a result. Very emotional. Rollercoaster weekend. #repealthe8th #CitizensAssembly https://t.co/LfYAvV2bQE
— Roisin Ingle (@roisiningle) April 23, 2017
#CitizensAssembly has spoken on ballot 4B! 64% voted for the availability of abortion with "no restriction as to reasons." Phenomenal!
— UCD for Choice (@UCDFORCHOICE) April 23, 2017
Very relieved with the results of the #CitizensAssembly recommendations. If implemented we could be massively reducing the numbers traveling
— Feminists in Dublin (@FemInDublin) April 23, 2017
#CitizensAssembly As in so many cases, citizens demonstrate they are well ahead of our political leaders in terms of compassion and courage.
— Dublin Well Woman (@dublinwellwoman) April 23, 2017
Decency and empathy won out at the #CitizensAssembly and I could honestly cry with relief.
— Kitty (@redlemonader) April 23, 2017
Look at these numbers -% of members seeking greater access to abortion in Irish law #CitizensAssembly pic.twitter.com/oP77EVyJZV
— Deirdre Duffy (@Libertiesbelle) April 23, 2017
This is a landmark moment #CitizensAssembly
— rachel (@RachelFlembo) April 23, 2017
This is a monumental step on the road to women's equality, and to ensuring women have full access to reproductive health #CitizensAssembly pic.twitter.com/3TzcA33ZF0
— Womenscouncilireland (@NWCI) April 23, 2017
The Citizens’ Assembly have made clear that the Oireachtas must assume responsibility for legislating for abortion. That’s according to the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment.
Commenting today, Ailbhe Smyth, Convenor of the Coalition, said: “The Assembly members have recommended this matter be put fairly and squarely in the hands of the legislators – where it should always have been.
“Our politicians know it is their duty, as members of the Oireachtas, to make laws. When circumstances and public opinion are clearly demonstrating an urgent need for new legislation, they cannot shirk their responsibility.
“The Government cynically established the Citizens’ Assembly to avoid making difficult decisions themselves. Through their hard work and dedication, the Assembly members concluded what the Government should have known all along: that is the role of the legislature to legislate.
“This puts it up to our politicians now. There’s nothing left for them to hide behind; they need to get on with addressing this issue once and for all," Ailbhe added.