Coffee lovers, rejoice! Experts say caffeine is good for your heart

I must admit that I struggle to get through the day without my regular cup of coffee. I need that cup of joy to help wake me up in the morning, especially with a lengthy commute ahead of me.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who turns into an angry little gremlin without my caffeine fix, whether it’s a flat white from my favourite local cafe or a mug of instant coffee at 6 am.

I’m a true coffee addict and pride myself on being just like Lorelai Gilmore. “I need coffee in an IV” has become my new motto since I started working full time.

There are times when I do worry about my daily coffee consumption, but one study has certainly reassured me.

Researchers in Germany have discovered that drinking four cups of coffee a day is actually good for your heart.

The team shared that caffeine helps protect blood vessels.

The study, which was published in PLOS Biology, stated that caffeine boosts the production of the p27 protein that protects and regenerates heart cells.

"Our results indicate a new mode of action for caffeine, one that promotes protection and repair of heart muscle through the action of mitochondrial p27,” said study author, Professor Judith Haendeler.

"These results should lead to better strategies for protecting heart muscle from damage,” he added.

There are numerous other benefits when it comes to drinking a Cup of Joe such as boosting cognitive function and protecting against type 2 diabetes.

Experts recommend drinking two to three cups of coffee each day, or if you’re like me then feel free to channel your inner Lorelai Gilmore and drink all the coffee!
