Coffee, sun, veggies.. Here’s how to survive work after an all nighter

A video has emerged to show us how to survive a day in work after little or no sleep and we really needed this.

Whether it's because you were on a night out, or because you just had too much work to do, everyone experiences a sleep-less night from time to time but there is an answer to getting through the next day in work. 

New York magazine has shared some tips that were scientifically proven to help you make it through the day until you get back to your lovely bed. 

As you would expect, coffee is top of the list of getting through the day. This video explains how much and how often you should drink it to keep you going all day. 

This video also explains that if you do manage to catch a few Zzz's, when waking up, DO NOT hit the snooze button! This leaves you feeling groggy for the day so it's best to steer clear. 

Another tip is to make sure you eat breakfast, preferably within 1 hour of waking up which will boost your energy and help improve  your mood. Stick to whole grains and protein and skip the sugar as this will just cause you to crash even worse.

We tend to be drawn to sugary, high-carb food when we're tired but scientists suggest the best thing for you in this case is a light lunch with lots of veggies, protein and whole grains. 

Also recommended to keep you alert, ditch the sunglasses and be sure to get some natural sun light in your eyes on the way to work. 

