COMMENT: Why it shouldn’t be a beauty standard to be hairless
It was the unexpected talking point of the evening: armpit hair.
In 2017, Lola Kirke rocked up to the red carpet with unshaven pits.
Surprisingly, it was one of the "major" events of the night.
Quelle horreur!
The 27-year-old actress accessorised her gorgeous strapless gown with simple jewellery, and unshaven underarms, and people really noticed.
The question is, why on earth was this front page news?
Let's face facts: women have armpit hair (shocking, I know), and if they want to share it with the world… who are we to judge?
In short, if a woman chooses not to shave her armpits… why do we care?
We have been led to believe that in order to be considered beautiful, a woman must be pristine and totally hair free (legs, armpits and everything inbetween).
Well, I am here to tell you that that is not, and SHOULD NOT, be the case.
Let us rewind, say 50 years or so ago, to a time where the beautiful Sophia Loren was one of the most exceptional models in the world.
Sophia was glamorous, beautiful and successful… and had lovely fluffy armpits.
Nobody cared back then, and nobody should care now.
My point here is that beauty comes in many different forms, and the pressure to look a certain way has started taking away from this fact.
I personally choose to shave my armpits (incase anyone was wondering), and that is fine, but this whole thing has me really wondering why.
I shave my armpits because I have been led to believe that this will make me more beautiful… sad but true.
Lola Kirke's "no f**ks given" approach to the Golden Globes red carpet is something to be respected, as it reminds us that not everyone has to look perfectly polished all the time.
There are certain beauty demands that females are expected to adhere to, and that just is not fair.
Ladies, grow your hair or don't… either way you are, and always will be, truly beautiful.
Rant over.